The situation of your small -sized apartment

To equip an apartment with furniture so that comfortable living conditions are created, this is a great art that, alas, not all own. But if you want to do everything yourself without resorting to the help of interior designers, then come to the problem from a rational point of view.

But first come from the dimensions of your apartment. If it has small sizes, then the choice in the selection of furniture should not be stopped on bulky cabinets, sofas, chests of drawers. And if you, moreover, are an amateur of antiques, then with the desire to equip the interior of a small apartment in a historical style you will have to say goodbye (leave it for later, when you have a spacious house with high ceilings).

The fewer furniture it is installed in the room, the more comfortable and comfortable it will look like. Pilling up an apartment even with beautiful furniture, you are likely to turn it into a furniture warehouse, and give the interior to the warehouse.

The more compact and combined the furniture will be, the more convenient you will live in this apartment. If possible, then cabinets are best mounted on the wall. Transformer sofas have two functional features: in the afternoon in a folded form-this is a place of rest in front of the TV, at night in the laid out-the place of “viewing” of pleasant dreams.

Going to the store for furniture, try to be prudent. After all, you buy the situation in the apartment for not one year. Everything should be planned, and even changes in your personal life. Therefore, while equipping the apartment, take into account and your plans for the future.

Again, you should not buy disparate furniture items – the interior of the room should look like a whole. So, everything should be in harmony with each other. And even if you came up from the standpoint of rationality, buying furniture elements from various sets, even the most beautiful furniture will look ridiculous in a similar interior.

When equipping a room or another, be sure to withstand the general style in the interior. Agree, the modern furniture installed in the room next to the old furniture, it looks more ridiculous. Therefore, if you decide to replace part of the furniture in the apartment, then do this thoroughly – having completely updated the entire interior.

If you are an average resident of the planet and do not lead a bohemian lifestyle, it makes no sense for you to acquire very expensive furniture made of valuable varieties of wood. Even the usual furniture, which are forced by the salons, can harmoniously fit into the interior of your apartment, if you approach the choice of the situation with taste.

And again, in each of the rooms those objects of furniture that will correspond to the functional value of each specific room should be installed. If this is a bedroom, then, of course, you should buy a sleeping set that will not be appropriate in the living room. And cabinets and tables for living rooms will look ridiculous in the kitchen. Therefore, when arranging furniture in the apartment, follow the motto: each furniture – “its own” angle.