We equip a room for older relatives

Elderly people really need care and attention. Children and grandchildren, of course, try to make life easier for them, but you need to understand that the young generation is too busy with work, study and other important matters. Therefore, I want to arrange the life of the elderly in such a way that they independently find some kind of classes and interests for themselves. It is quite possible to achieve this, changing the interior of the room of the elderly.

You can even buy a wooden box so that grandfather keeps tools there. My grandmother always pours potatoes into a wooden box, and so keeps it.

First of all, try to arrange so that all the objects that grandfathers and grandmother use could easily be obtained. Low cabinets, shelves with favorite books, convenient places for storing needlework or favorite collections will give the old people the opportunity to do their own business without long searches. At the same time, they will not have to climb on a stool to take something.

See where your family usually spend time. Buy them comfortable armchairs and sofas, or maybe a rocking chair. A small portable table is useful when reading, considering photos, it is convenient to fold knitting or put a cup of tea on it.

If you decide to carry out a real serious repair with the replacement of wallpaper and the restoration of the ceiling, then consider the opinion of the residents of this premises. Of course, their tastes differ from yours, and they understand beauty in their own way. Do not impose their opinions on the elderly, because they will live here, so the interior of the room should delight first of all.

Often elderly people do not want to part with the usual furniture and old things. Leave them what they value so much. Disassemble the cabinets and remove all the extra on the mezzanine so that the old people know that all this is not thrown into the garbage box, but is carefully stored at their house. Be condescending to their old people, because they have lived a difficult life, and now they suffer from their helplessness and dependence. Let them feel independent, do not deprive them of their usual lifestyle surrounded by their favorite things.