Labor market in Novokuznetsk

In Novokuznetsk, as in many other cities of Russia, there is a positive dynamics, expressed both in an increase in the number of vacancies and in a decrease in the number of unemployed. So, for example, the status of the unemployed received 9% less people than in the previous. Among the officially registered unemployed, mainly women, disabled and people of pre -retirement age. More than 1, 5 thousand were found from among those who applied to the employment service., Many went to advanced training courses..

More than a thousand vacancies exist for work in many other cities, as well as for the military service under the contract. In addition, many vacancies appeared in the employment service, some of them were created by former unemployed, opening their own business precisely with its support.

Difficulties with employment arise among accountants, administrators, management specialists and finance, workers of specialized departments, legal advisers and clerks; Only no more than a third of the unemployed claims to be working specialties, which means that work in Novokuznetsk is found first of all for drivers, locksmiths, builders, etc.D., As confirms the statistics, the data of which indicates the greatest need for installers, concrete workers, faces, cooks, sellers, drivers and car mechanics.

The work of cleaners, waiters, movers, conductors, utility workers are in demand.

In addition to the above, medical workers, sales specialists, real estate agents, engineering and technical specialists in production, construction and housing and communal services, guards are required everywhere< /Jobs-Education/>.