Correct donation of the apartment

Drawing up an apartment donation agreement greatly helps to avoid a large number of disputes among all applicants for a residential property.

Experts pay attention to the fact that having issued this kind of agreement you can be absolutely calm, starting a risky business.

What is a gift? Data is the most affordable way of the lack of transfer of your property. The difference between this agreement and the same gift is that all the property that you indicated in the document will become the property of a particular person. And when drawing up a will, even if it is designed for a particular relative, they have the legal right to claim real estate and all other relatives who, for certain reasons, were not indicated in the will. Yes, it can even be a garage with automatic gates from the All-Union bought by one of the relatives.

Why give?

Gifts should not only receive, but also give. In accordance with the gift agreement, all your real estate, whether it is a country house, apartment or garage, can go into property (as a gift) to any individual person. At the same time, one should also take into account the moment that the gift is taxed in the amount of 5 percent of its value for all citizens of the country, as well as 15 percent for non -residents. The exception is parents, children, spouses and close relatives. Often a gift agreement is also used for another purpose. In particular, in order to protect your own real estate if it is necessary to return certain debt obligations. Such real estate under the law from the donor will not be able to recover, due to the fact that it was presented. Naturally, if such an apartment or country house is not a collateral property of a certain banking structure.