How to combine a diet and training correctly

A fitting slender body is not only beautiful, but also means good health and vitality. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a satisfied person who has great excess weight and an unsportsmanlike figure. Doing sports does not mean to exhaust yourself with training, enough easy physical activity every day without much effort. It can be a run in the morning or a gym every other day, the main proper distribution of force and of course a sports diet, without which it is impossible to achieve good results.

How to combine a diet and training correctly

It is difficult for some novice athletes to find a strong middle between proper nutrition and physical exertion. Someone believes that since the sport takes place to be food should be more high-calorie, and someone believes that, on the contrary, you need to cut the diet to a minimum to achieve amazing results. Both of them are true and incorrect at the same time, since you first need to know what exactly is required from training and diet.

How to combine a diet and training correctly

If this is weight loss and muscle strengthening, then the calorie content of the products will only be beneficial to the benefit, especially since the beautiful sports silhouette is not hidden with a layer of fat will be loomed in this way. But if the goal is not weight loss, but even its set due to muscle increasing, the nutrition should contain an increased amount of proteins for rapid muscle growth, but at the same time you can not eat fatty and too high -calorie foods, and the weight will begin to be added by increasing muscle mass.

More fluid

This is an important principle of any athlete, ordinary pure water is able to accelerate metabolism and remove harmful toxins from the body, as well as saturate the body with the necessary moisture, because during training you need to avoid dehydration. You can drink water a little bit even second training time, you can just moisten dry lips, this will add strength and raise your mood. For greater benefit, a drop of citric acid can be added to the water.

Food an hour before training

Training with a full stomach is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. Therefore, it is best an hour before the exercises to eat something light like cottage cheese, fruits or drink a cocktail based on milk and berries.

Food after training

This is a very important point, so those who want to quickly increase muscles in the first 20 minutes after class should use any protein product. For those who want to lose weight a little, food is contraindicated within an hour.