On the problems of formation associated with the implementation of the PPP in the process of integrated development of territories. From scratch

Today, land resources are almost exhausted, due to which it would be possible to intensify the existing urban development. But against this background, a completely new market is formed, which are based on projects of integrated development of the territory (cat). In the future, it is possible that it will be guided by it in order to determine real estate prices. The purpose of these projects is the construction of satellite cities and areas in large Russian cities.

From scratch

It is planned to create a new urban environment “from scratch”, including engineering training of the selected territory, create communal and transport infrastructure, build housing, social and commercial facilities using modern technologies. Since the cat projects must implement one of the primary tasks for the state – to provide people with affordable and comfortable housing, their implementation should be carried out in the form of public -private partnerships, when the distinction between the zones of the responsibility of the state and the private investor is determined corresponding to the corresponding.

In international practice, partnership between the state and private trader is an effective mechanism for using private investment in order to finance projects significant for society with a municipal or state form of property. Starting since 2004., The state authorities of the Russian Federation have done a great work on the development of public-private partnerships (PPP), and this has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the country. PPP can be called a strategic and institutional alliance between business and the state for the implementation of socially significant projects in a wide range of activities.