The new road collection will not be able to significantly affect the dynamics of inflation

The dynamics of inflation in Russia, if it falls under the influence of road collection, will affect it insignificantly. A maximum of 0.1 percentage point in the current year and the same in the following – such a contribution of this factor to inflation dynamics may be such, – according to the Central Bank.

In particular, the press service of the Central Bank said that they evaluate the degree of influence of the introduction of a road fee (travel fees on federal roads with multi-ton cargo vehicles) as an insignificant. In addition, this influence will be one -time, not regular, – the regulator representatives say.

Even if motor transport organizations completely transfer their costs to the prices of food and retail manufacturers and retail trade, the contribution of the road collection to the dynamics of the cost of food products will not cross the bar to 0.1 points of the current and 0.1 paragraph of the coming year, the Central Bank noted in the Central Bank.

According to representatives of the regulator, the impact on the increase in the cost of indecent products and services through a possible increase in the cost of the materials used is estimated with less significance.

For reference:

A new collection has been introduced in the Russian Federation. Now cargo transport of a multi -ton format (above 12t) will be obliged to pay 1 rubles. 53 kopecks. for each 1 km along the federal highway. Road collection will last until the end of February next year. Further-until December 31, 2018, the tariff will be 82 kopecks. – 3 rubles. 6 kopecks., and from January 1, 2019, the amount of the fee will be 3 rubles. 73 kopecks. For the kilometer passed.

Why all this? The goal is banal – to receive compensation for the harm that heavy trucks cause to roads.

Such good goals caused the indignation of car carriers and enterprises of the consumer market. For their part, they prophesy accelerated inflation and interruptions with the supply of their goods.