Varnishes and paints without solvents gain popularity

According to specialists from Cerezana, which is analyzing the changes in industrial markets, last 2011 more than 50% of paints and varnishes in the world were made on water -based. Since the issue of environmental pollution is now very acute, such production will only gain momentum. Many modern companies follow in the same direction and solvents in varnishes and paints are replaced by safer components.

Also, many companies try to make their products “multifunctional”. Mass production of varnishes and colors is planned, which, in addition to their direct decorative and protective properties, have the effect of thermal insulation. Antibacterial and self -cleaning materials are available that can hide some surface defects. In the production of new generation varnishes and colors, the company uses developments in the field of nanotechnology.

As regards the geography of supply and demand in this industry, the leading position in the market holds the Asian – Pacific region. According to forecasts, this trend will last until the end of this decade. Almost a third of the global income is generated in this largest region. According to analytical studies in 2019, the demand for paint and varnishes will be about 50 million. tons.