What to wear a corset

As you know, all women strive to emphasize the dignity of their figure with the help of clothes. Even if the figure does not reach the ideal a little, then there is nothing wrong with that – a certain female linen and some models of clothing will visually make a woman’s waist will look just aspen. Such a clothing model includes a corset, which has recently become relevant again and appeared on the catwalks. Many modern designers around the world offer ladies to wear a corset, but, unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex know how to do it right. Let’s look at this issue in more detail and find out how and with what should we wear such a fashionable thing in our time.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that these days the corset is no longer considered by stylists, as a model of pulling linen – they harmoniously introduce it into the ensembles offered as a wide belt. Its shape can be very diverse, but at the same time, if it is correctly selected, it should not deliver any inconvenience to its owner. How to choose it correctly? To choose it in size, first measure your waist and only then select the corset. At the same time, we must not forget that the volume of the corset can be less than your waist by a maximum of 7 cm – otherwise it will be difficult for you to not only move in it, but also breathe.

Do not seek immediately after buying such an original little thing to go out in it – at first it is recommended to spread the corset a little at home so that it sat perfectly precisely according to your figure. To do this, you will need to wear your new upbringing for about half an hour daily for 4-5 days.

Many fashionistas mistakenly believe that such a feminine detail of the wardrobe as a corset can be harmoniously combined only with a long magnificent skirt or an elegant solemn dress. This combination, of course, can be called ideal, but, nevertheless, few ladies know that the corset also combines well with other things.

Even if you are a fan of business style, then your wardrobe is quite allowed to be a dark corset that you can afford to wear over your white office blouse. It is desirable that your bottom is trousers or a pencil -like skirt in harmony in color with a corset color. You can always put on a strict jacket on top if it is laid according to your dress code.

For everyday socks, it is better to choose corsets without lacing, which are more democratic and can be well combined with jeans or tight -fitting trousers. This version of wearing a corset is now one of the hits of modern youth fashion.

On the shelves of modern clothing stores you can often see corsets sewn from the atlas. These models, of course, are not intended for everyday wardrobe – it is clear that they fit well only in an evening romantic image. You can wear such satin corsets with lace or lush skirts or even extravagant styles. A satin corset looks stylish and expensive, under which a lace blouse is worn. But at the same time it must be remembered that the trousers or skirt of such a set should be restrained both according to the style and in the decoration.

Corset can even be worn with an ordinary, not an evening dress – and, the easier a dress, the more elegant the corset can be. In this combination, it is he who will play a decisive role and attract increased male attention.

It is quite appropriate to wear a corset even for a walk through the forest. A checkered shirt under a corset and informal jeans will help you create an image of a feminine and cheerful girlfriend of a cowboy, which no real man can stand before.