How to choose a quality change house

For many, metal is a symbol of strength, and the structures from it are a guarantee of the durability of the building. And this is in many ways true, not without reason, so popular in our days metal everyday life. However, they can have obvious or hidden shortcomings. To detect the latter will help a thorough inspection of the product you like or you may need rental rental in any case, you need to know what to build from.  How to choose a metal change house?

A metal frame is the basis of this type of designs. It is their strength and stability depends on the quality of the frame. High -quality cabins are based on a frame of bent channel 14 or 16, with a wall thickness, respectively, 4.9 and 5 mm. It is allowed to use a channel 10 and 12, with a wall thickness of 4.5 and 4.8 mm. But remember that the larger the thickness of the channel, the stronger the frame. Modern block container or cabinet at a suspiciously low price,

can be made on the basis of a thin channel: the purchase of such a building cannot be considered a profitable investment.

Inner wooden frame is nothing more than a crate, consisting of horizontal and vertical elements. Here, as in the case of a metal frame, the thickness of the beam is very important: the more it is, the better. If you are embarrassed by the cheapness of the cabins, specify the parameters of the material from which its internal wooden frame is made

Insulation – material responsible for the microclimate in the structure. It is he who prevents the penetration of the main mass of cold air inside. Check the thickness of the insulation of the finished structure is impossible. But you have every right to clarify it with the manufacturer. Good cabins have a heater thickness at least 50 mm. And this is a minimum. In addition, the heater laying scheme is very important. In some cases, not the entire perimeter of the household may be covered with it: the cost of such structures is usually not too high.

The exterior decoration of a metal change house is made of corrugated board. This material can be just galvanized or have an upper protective varnish coating. The second option is preferable, although it will cost more. Such cabins have a more attractive appearance and tolerate a negative external effect much better.

Interior decoration is what the comfort of the change house largely depends on. Currently, the sale and implementation of households with a decoration from the Eurolinka and MDF is widespread, but this significantly increases their cost. More democratic fiberboard and plastic. The choice of material for interior decoration depends solely on your preferences and capabilities of the manufacturer. In addition, a good metal change house will already have a wiring and, at least one finished window, at the request of the customer.