How to choose a solar manifold?

The solar manifold is called ..

The use of environmentally friendly, relatively non -expensive and economical methods of heating is the main characteristics indicating the solar collector. The collection of the energy of the heat of the Sun occurs using infrared radiation and visible light. The main difference between the device and the solar battery is the heating of the coolant, and not the production of electricity. This heat carrier through the pipeline, where steel taps are used, will enter your house.

In order to purchase a collector ..

one. The desired coating level. Typically, this concept means the number of annual heat consumption, which can be covered by the energy of the sun. During the calculation of this parameter, you should take into account the total amount of the supplied energies (including the circulation system, the pipeline and the battery).

The formula that determines the degree of coating. D = (sun energy/(energy of the heating boiler + solar energy)) x100.

It is important to know that the need for warmth and radiation do not coincide in time. Therefore, without the presence of a seasonal battery, a hundred percent coating of the need for heat due to solar energy is not possible.

2. Efficiency

In order to evaluate the energy of the solar installation, the efficiency is used: the ratio of useful heat emitted by the sun, which is given to the solar installation into a regular system, to the energy of the sun, which enters the same time period on the collector field.

The standard efficiency of sunny collectors of Buderus has a range from 30 to 50%.

It is important to know that the efficiency of the system and the level of its coating due to the energy of the Sun can change in the opposite direction.

3. The influence of the energy of the sun. The number of sun energy within one country may vary depending on its location. Below will be the average indicators for the year for various regions of Ukraine.

It is important to know that if the solar collector was installed at an angle of 35-65 degrees, then the equipment should be additionally used to increase the coefficient.

four. The influence exerted by the angle of inclination and orientation in the south of Ukraine. The largest efficiency in the solar manifold can be achieved by the location of it exactly south and if there is an angle of inclination of 45 degrees. However, based on practice, it is known that a change in orientation from the southeast to the southwest and a change in the angle of inclination from 45 degrees to 30-50 special losses cannot happen. In case of large deviations, it is necessary to increase the area of ​​the solar collector.

Video installation of a solar manifold