How to choose a juicer for a restaurant

Everyone knows that fruits are an inexhaustible source of vitamins and nutrients that the human body needs so. In order to prepare juice from freshly squeezed fruits, the juicer is most often required (only a few fruits can be effectively squeezed manually). An ordinary juicer for the house is a small bowl with a special electric device inside, with which you can easily and quickly get juice from citrus fruits. However, if fresh juice is necessary on an “industrial” scale, a more serious unit is needed. Professional juicers are designed as for those who often drink freshly squeezed juices, as well as for cafes and restaurants that offer customers drinks-frach.

Professional juicer is much more expensive than its “home” sister, but this price is justified. Firstly, they are much more effective: you will not lose a single drop of a wandering drink – a professional juicer knows its job, and squeezes the fruits effectively and efficiently. Secondly, to squeeze fruits, you do not have to make a lot of physical effort, hold the fruits with your hand, press on the base, and t.D. It is enough to put cleaned fruits in a special tank, and then the machine will do all the work for you. Thirdly, a professional juicer leaves hands clean (after using home-made juicers, you will have to wash your hands). And the fourth dignity – a professional juicer is able to squeeze not only citrus fruits, but also any other fruits. And this can be a big plus if you prefer pineapple juice orange.

To buy a professional juicer, we recommend that you visit the Technofud online store. He serves the inhabitants of Ukraine, and offers a huge selection of equipment for the kitchen. There you can purchase a kitchen combine, a professional meat grinder, find a suitable set of teoks, potatoes, a bakery, and other healthy kitchen equipment. The store is of particular interest for owners of restaurants and cafes, Most of the goods of this online store belong to the professional category.