How to get to Las Vegas

To visit Las Vegas – the dream of every adventurous, gambling, loving adventure and the risk of a person. Las Vegas is known to the whole world as the capital of casinos and gambling entertainment. That is why it has the second name – the city of sins, a city where a person may not resist the temptations and plunge with his head into their abyss. Brillor, luxury, wealth-all this is concentrated in the huge US metropolis (Nevada), who meets his guests with 5 star hotels, grandiose show programs and, of course, the best casinos with the most incredible jackpot. How to get into Las Vegas and try to grab luck by the tail, we will tell in this article.

How to get to Las Vegas

To date, more than 100 casinos are opened in Las Vegas, several thousand bars with slot machines, night clubs, restaurants and hundreds of hotels are operating. There are more tourists in Las Vegas than local residents, and more entertainment institutions than residential buildings. If you want to visit this bright, noisy, seething life day and night of the city, then consider your trip in advance. First of all, you must have a valid passport (at least six months before the date of its expiration date). If the passport soon needs to be changed, it is better to do it in advance, since the deadlines for the visa can be different.

It is necessary to issue a visa at the American consulate (embassy), its cost will be approximately $ 150-160. The cost of a ticket to the city of sins will cost you, at least 17,000-20000 thousand. rubles, depending on the number of transfers and carrier company. There are no direct flights to Las Vegas in our country. Even from Moscow you will have to fly with transfers. For a more comfortable trip, choose flights with one transplant. If you are not afraid of airplanes, then several transplants on the way will not scare you. The main airlines for flights to Las Vegas are as follows: Aeroflot, American Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Delta, Alitalia, Klm, Lufthansa, Air France.

How to get to Las Vegas

Having arrived in Las Vegas, get ready to spend a tidy sum and living in the capital of excitement. The amount spent here will largely depend on your preferences. For example, in good five-star hotels, the rooms are very expensive, their cost is $ 200-300 per night. Hotels of a smaller number of stars offer rooms of 35-45 dollars, if you try very hard, you can find overnight and cheaper.

Many gambling establishments give their regular visitors a client’s cards, allowing their owners to use discounts in hotels and hotels, restaurants, etc. On such a card, customers can even get a symbolic loan of $ 5-10. Learn in advance about how to get such a card, it will really allow you to slightly reduce costs in Las Vegas.

Keep in mind that in some entertainment venues the entrance is paid, from about 15 to $ 50 per visitor. However, the money paid for the entrance is usually returned to the client in the form of varnishes -chips – it cannot be exchanged for the money spent, but you can use it in the game, or “exchange” them for free drinks and snacks in the bar.

How to get to Las Vegas

In conclusion, I would like to note that in Las Vegas you can not only visit the gambling zone, but also admire the local attractions, which are filled with almost all the streets of the city. You will find hundreds of museums, parks of modern attractions, beautiful fountains and luxurious boulevards. Cameral La Vegasa Card-Fremont Street. For several quarters, this street is covered with a dome consisting of millions of LEDs, according to which the broadcasts of television shows are followed. Also, in the city of sins, copies of all the wonders of the world are collected, and the Cheops pyramid was created in full size. Las Vegas will surprise and delight you every minute of your stay there. Once in this paradise, you will believe in miracles and fairy tales!