KVN is a favorite humorous game of many generations of our country. The Club of Funny and Resourceful accepts in their ranks of students of higher educational institutions at a professional, television level, and teams of enterprises, various educational institutions at an amateur level. The KVN television program was aired on November 8, 1961, after 4 years it was the host of MIIT-Alexander Maslyakov, who to this day is a permanent leading KVN. Witty jokes, sparkling humor-all this made a transmission popular throughout the USSR.
Many years have passed, and KVN moves still goes throughout the country: KVN games are held in schools, children’s camps, institutes, etc.D. In 1990, the AMIK was founded- the television creative association “Alexander Maslyakov and the Company”.
How to get to the KVN team
To date, television KVN consists of two leagues: the Premier League and the Premier League (official leagues). Unofficial KVN leagues are independent from Amik and they have their own rules, leading, games schemes and jury members.
How to become a participant in KVN and in the future to become a new star of the club of funny and resourceful?
Firstly, KVN participants can become sociable, funny, resourceful, able and loving young people and girls to joke. Secondly, KVN play teams (at least 2 people). Thirdly, each team should have a captain. If you dream of being a player in a television KVN, you need to be a student of one of the universities of our country.
It is better to gain a team from different in appearance, character, even the timbre of the voice of the players, each participant should be memorable and charismatic. Be sure to consider the stage costumes of your team, they must distinguish players from other teams. Get carefully for each competition, learn to improvise, this will largely determine the assessments of your team’s performances. It is better to check all your jokes for plagiarism on the Internet, this will protect you from many troubles while participating in KVN.
How to get to the KVN team
The main contests of KVN are:
Greeting (or “business card” of the team).
Warm -up (where witty, (unprepared) answers of the teams to questions from the hall or from other teams will be evaluated).
Stam (a competition during which no more than three people should be present on the stage).
Breeze (literary competition, where the team should show their invention or other phenomenon).
Musical competition (performance of musical numbers- songs, dances, games on musical instruments).
News Competition (all teams immediately stand on the stage and represent comic news releases).
Biathlon (also implies the participation of all teams on the same stage, where they “shoot” jokes, and after each circle the jury shoots one team).
Competition “Homework”, the longest competition in which the teams show pre -set thematic jokes.
Freestyle, a competition that allows the teams to show any style of play.
Film contest obliges the commands to remove their clip or make their “voice acting” of the famous film.
Captain Competition, only captains of competing teams take part in this competition.
How to get to the KVN team
To get to the Premier League or the Premier League, it is necessary to participate in the official (under the auspices of “Amik”) KVN leagues. In order to get into them, it is necessary to participate in the Festival “Kivin”, held annually in January in the city of Sochi. Based on the results of the festival (rating set), the commands in the official KVN league are set.
Also, KVN leagues are divided into 4 categories:
television, that is, they go out in television format;
Central, they include teams that have gained an increased rating in Kivin;
Interregional, they are involved in the teams that have gained the rating in Kivin;
regional, this is a new category of league created in 2013. Any team who sent its application for participation in KVN may participate in this league.
Find out information if there is a KVN school in your city. Typically, it is created by KVN teams who have achieved high results in the Premier League or Premier League, so they will convey to you an invaluable experience in writing jokes, how to organize the game of the whole team and many other nuances that help defeat the KVN league.
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