How to sleep and get enough sleep

A healthy strong dream is very important. After all, it is thanks to it that the body can restore the forces spent in the day and get a good rest. And for this it is important not just to sleep, but to sleep right. After all, many are faced with the problem of poor restless sleep, when a person often wakes up, the dream lasts little in time, it is difficult for a person to fall asleep and so on. All this is due to the fact that you are preparing to sleep incorrectly.

How to sleep and get enough sleep

It is best to sleep on the best of the hard surface. The fact is that the body does not like too soft surface and tall pillows. And no matter how you want, but you can’t get enough sleep on a too soft surface. Instead of a pillow, it is better to use a roller under the neck. But if this is not, then remember that you need to sleep on the pillow thickness, which is no more than the thickness of the hand.

It is useful to go to bed at all without clothes. But not everyone can afford it due to various circumstances. Therefore, it is better to put on any free shirt or T -shirt. The fact is that during sleep no elastic bands and so on should not squeeze the vessels. During sleep, your body is completely resting and should not interfere with this. In addition, if you like to sleep often with an open window, it is better to put a woolen bandage on your head. The fact is that during sleep, the human body temperature decreases and therefore the risk of catching up increases.

The position of the body during sleep is also of great importance. Of course, during sleep it will change more than once, but it is still worth falling asleep in the pose of maximum relaxation. For example, American doctors advise to fall asleep on the stomach for a good vacation. But they regard the dream of a strong fatigue of the body so familiar to many people.

In addition, it is better to go to bed as they say “on an empty stomach”, especially if you like to sleep on your stomach. A dream on the stomach with a full stomach can lead to the fact that you will begin to develop an ulcer or gastritis. Therefore, the last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Of course, there are times when to eat 4 hours before bedtime simply does not work. In this case, do not fall asleep on the stomach. Better go to the right side. You can also as in childhood close your palms and put them under the cheek. This will help you calm down and relieve tension and excitement.

How to sleep and get enough sleep

All these recommendations will help your body relax. And the dream will become calmer, longer and more useful.