Who are the paladins

In the 1990s, the word “paladin” to me, then a teenager, came across a computer game. There they were knights with magical properties that treated each other right in battle. And for a long time, forgive illiteracy, I was sure that the paladins are only in Varcraft (this refers to the game Warcraft from Blizzard). And having met this word already in the real world, in some historical book, I was very surprised. Magov knights do not exist, and there was no. So who is the name of the “paladin” in real life (or was called)?

Who are the paladins

The word “paladin” comes from the word “palace”, where, of course, the “palace”, and not the old battered rug is in mind. In the literal sense, “paladin” can be translated as “palace”, and in the literary translation it will already be “court”. However, far from every courtier, far from all cultures were called paladin.

This word appeared in the era of the Byzantine Empire. The paladin there is the highest court at the Roman or Byzantine emperors, but in the future the word was transformed already into something like the “knight of the Church”. In particular, the paradens can be called the associates of King Arthur, and here it will not be a mistake. Unfortunately, pop culture turned the paladins into films and games, and we know them more often in “pop” embodiment.

For some reason, the paladins in your head are connected with Masons? Such paladins were also. This is one of the famous sects in Masons. Only its name “palladina” is written, with two l. The word is more rare, the Word emphasizes it with red. But it came from the Pallas, that is, one of the variants of the name of the goddess Athena. We will not touch Palladin-Masons now, and we will talk about the paladins “with one l”, about Christian knights.

Who are the paladins

The word “paladin” is also interpreted as a “knight of honor” or “warrior of faith”. This is not just a knight, namely a knight, devoted to the Church of Christ and its church ideals. Alas, these ideals were not always in a modern way noble. In the Middle Ages, the concepts of honor and valor looked much more harsh and harsh. Here, let’s say, the murder of Saracens – was the highest valor, and now to kill people for praying to other gods is not entirely right. And it’s even very wrong, for that matter!

Although the paladins for the sake of the merciful Christ were ready to mercilessly cut enemies, they are not at all identical to religious fanaticals. Islamic terrorists also explode or somehow kill the Gentiles, but they are not at all paladins. Paladin is only a Christian warrior, and the valor for him was a battle in an honest open battle, and not a secret undermining of someone else’s temple! One against many, here is the highest valor of his.

Some “experts” on the Web believe that you can call anyone who is ready to kill “for faith” with a paladin. But not every suicide will be samurai, and not everyone who called himself a warrior of faith will be a paladin. Samurai – lived in their era, and performed Sappuka (Harakiri) for a reason, but according to the canons of their religion, they believed that such a sacrifice was pleased to the gods. And the paladins went to their crusades with the consent and the blessing of the church, this was not their personal whims. Often such campaigns were made to the benefits of politicians, so expanding the influence of the lands of their states, enriching themselves.

Who are the paladins

Gradually, the word “paladin” became more “common”, blurry, and so called any knight, faithfully serving his overlord, God or even a beautiful lady. It spoke of valor in its embodiment, as it was considered the highest during the time of knights. Calling someone a paladin was a kind of praise. And now Paladinov no longer exists, although some “strange” people believe that representatives of the Templar Order are still hiding somewhere. No, the medieval world has long disappeared, its era has ended. Now the paladins are only the heroes of films and books. And good, if you take really good qualities from these characters, instead of the desire to exterminate everyone whose beliefs in religion diverge from your beliefs!