The vigilance of the population is checked in Cuba.

Last Thursday, the “Revolution Protection Committee” began to conduct exercises to strengthen vigilance among the population of the province of Havana. The “Revolution Protection Committee” is a public organization that is engaged in the protection of the conquests of socialism, with the help of direct work with the population. The organization includes 8.4 million Cubans, despite the fact that the entire population of the island is about 11.2 million people. Within the framework of the exercises that will end this Saturday, in all 19 municipalities meetings will be organized with local residents. They will discuss issues of violations of social discipline. The most close attention will be paid to the activities of the detachments of the People’s Revolutionary Guard, which are fighting violations in the coastal zone of the island of Freedom.

According to information received from Cuban journalists, 279 detachments operate in Cuba, which are called “observing the sea”. The duties of these units include the authorities of the necessary assistance in preventing illegal attempts to leave the island of Freedom and suppress the smuggling of narcotic substances delivered to Cuba by sea. They also help fight terrorists. American mass media unveiled data from the United States Coast Guard Service. According to these data, during the period from October 1 to the present, the island of Freedom illegally left 200 Cubans, which reached the coast of the American state of Florida on various boats. For the whole last year, 600 Cubans managed to escape from the island. A year earlier, their number reached 3,000. American experts note that today the bulk of the Cubans enters the United States of America across the Mexican border.