Where and to whom the preferential apartments go?

Natalia Korolevskaya, Minister of Social Policy, said that actually conduct real control over the spending of funds that are allocated from the state budget for the implementation of social housing programs is practically impossible.

About 0 is allocated from the state budget.5 billion hryvnias for the implementation of social real estate objects. That is, such real estate is being built, repairs are made, including the Kommerling plastic windows, and much more is installed. These funds are allocated for various categories of the country’s population-Chernobyls, veterans, Afghans, orphans and many others. The whole complexity of the situation is that these funds are spent and distributed at the discretion of various state authorities.

For those citizens of the country who have the legal right to receive housing, it is necessary to create a high -quality database on the basis of which and form a unified and comprehensive program for the distribution and acquisition of a social -type residential real estate.

In the case of providing residential real estate for the disabled, it is necessary to focus on ensuring that this housing is actually specialized.