Where is the best to put a Wi-Fi Roter

Installing a Wi-Fi Rooter-an action that does not require additional skills and knowledge. Typically, a Wi-Fi Roter is put directly near the computer-this is with regard to home networks, in offices where the desktopes are installed on equal removal from all computers or near the computer administrator computer. Quite often, the location of the distribution device of the wireless Internet depends on the quantity and location of power sources, the length of the connected cables, the presence of free space, etc.D. Wi-Fi Roter, which is designed to distribute the Internet to visitors of any institution (cafes, bars, clubs, pizzerias, etc.D.) or as a point of free Internet on the street, should cover the maximum area of ​​space, as this will save on the purchase of an additional device. In this case, one important point should be taken into account: if you shift the Wi-Fi Roter by some few centimeters, its signal in a particular room can change significantly, both to decrease and vice versa-intensify.

Where is the best to put a Wi-Fi Roter

Select a place for a Wi-Fi Roter to achieve maximum efficiency of its work by moving at random is a dreary, long and, in most cases, unproductive. Fortunately for these purposes, new developments have appeared that allow you to find a place for a router, taking into account the effectiveness of its signal at the level of electromagnetic waves.

Most of modern Wi-Fi Routers work in the frequency range 2.4GGC. This allows you to simulate with a high degree of accuracy wave behavior. Based on the algorithm entered into the algorithm computer, all data will be automatically calculated and presented in a visual form, namely as a heat card. The more saturated the color at a certain point, the better the signal from the router and, accordingly, the quality of the Internet connection. If the router is installed in open space and the waves are not interfered with any obstacles like walls, then the Wi-Fi signal will be as clean as possible, this is understandable without various devices and additional tools. But there is one unobvious moment. There is such a phenomenon that is called a “standing wave”, this term is called a place in which the interference of the incoming and reflected waves of the router is performed, as a result of which the signal is fed up. Independently, and even more visually, such zones cannot be identified.

The finished tool based on the installation of the Wi-Fi-Roter, taking into account the waves, is available to each user in the form of an application for Android devices-WiFi Solver FDTD. The application from the moment of its appearance in Google Play has been downloaded hundreds of times in just a few hours and, judging by its rating and reviews, WiFi Solver FDTD really works.

Where is the best to put a Wi-Fi Roter

To determine the ideal location of the router as accurately as possible, it is enough to simulate the plan of the room in which the router will stand and load it into the application. Then it remains to indicate the parameters and the current location of the router, after which the simulator will create an accurate heat card of the signal levels in the room.

WiFi Solver FDTD can be used to analyze a group of adjacent rooms that require Internet access, but the number of routers is limited. The competent location of two or three Wi-Fi-Routers, identified using the WiFi Solver FDTD thermal card, will allow the Internet to provide the same area without loss of the signal quality, for the coverage of which were previously used 4, or even more devices.