Where to do a cat’s injection

When a cat is sick, sooner or later the question arises of injections that are most often prescribed at home. An injection, which sometimes needs to be made on his own pet, panic. How to make a cat an injection?- This task is asked by almost everyone who has a wayward animal in the house.

There is nothing difficult and supernatural in the injection, but certain conditions are needed, observing which you can learn this.

Where to do a cat’s injection

First you need to stop afraid to make an injection. Excessive nervousness will be inappropriate, since cats are sensitive and excessive anxiety will be transmitted directly to the animal. Better to do a cat’s injection together. One – calms and holds the animal, and the other person – makes an injection. Most often, two types of injections are prescribed to cats – intramuscular, which is made in the back of the thigh, and subcutaneous – in a fold on a cat’s withers. Most of all for injections to cats are suitable insulin syringes-igolka, they have acute and thin.

First you should fill the syringe and check the dosage, and of course, do not forget to disinfect the place of the injection with a cotton wool, previously moistened in alcohol. Now it is worth starting directly to the injection itself:

Subcutaneous injection. Capture the fold on the cat’s withers, pull up, determine the injection site, disinfect and inject. The main thing is to trace – the needle should not pass through this fold. The medicine must be administered slowly, but you should not delay either. No need to worry – the injection in the withers for cats is painless, can bring the cat only a little discomfort.

Intramuscular injection. Find the muscles of the thigh, because the main thing is not to get into the bone itself. The sensations of the muscle should be separated from the bone, it is in it that an injection is made.

Intramuscular injection for cats is somewhat painful because of this the animal must be kept stronger. The cat must be held in hand or on weight, pressing under the chest – this is the most convenient position in this type of injection. Enter a syringe must be one to one to one and a half cm.

How to make a cat an injection

The ability to make an injection to the cat can come in handy at any time, which will help to maintain health to the pet, will not bring anxiety at the sight of strangers and the situation, will also save money and time spent on a campaign and queue in a veterinary clinic.